California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access For All Act of 2018.

On June 5, 2018, California voters passed a general obligation bond pursuant to Division 46 (commencing with Section 80000) of the Public Resources Code, relating to a drought, water, parks, climate, coastal protection, and outdoor access for all program. Placed on ballot by Senate Bill 5 of 2018.





Chapter Allocation Committed1 Balance2
  $4,100,000,000 $4,039,882,553 $60,117,447
Ch. 2 Investments in Environmental and Social Equity, Enhancing California`s Disadvantaged Communities $706,875,000 $704,094,657 $2,780,343
Ch. 3 Investments in Protecting, Enhancing, and Accessing California`s Local and Regional Outdoor Spaces $277,875,000 $277,256,209 $618,791
Ch. 4 Restoring California`s Natural, Historic, and Cultural Legacy $212,550,000 $203,699,816 $8,850,184
Ch. 5 Trails and Greenway Investment $29,250,000 $29,383,222 ($133,222)
Ch. 6 Rural Recreation, Tourism, and Economic Enrichment Investment $24,375,000 $24,193,413 $181,587
Ch. 7 California River Recreation, Creek, and Waterway Improvements Program $157,950,000 $157,103,238 $846,762
Ch. 8 State Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Board, and Authority Funding $747,825,000 $727,309,702 $20,515,298
Ch. 9 Ocean, Bay, and Coastal Protection $170,625,000 $171,072,008 ($447,008)
Ch. 10 Climate Preparedness, Habitat Resiliency, Resource Enhancement, and Innovation $431,925,000 $419,624,522 $12,300,478
Ch. 11 Clean Drinking Water and Drought Preparedness $243,750,000 $242,955,341 $794,659
Ch. 11.1 Groundwater Sustainability $78,000,000 $77,976,756 $23,244
Ch. 11.5 Flood Protection and Repair $536,250,000 $524,596,688 $11,653,312
Ch. 11.6 Regional Sustainability for Drought and Groundwater, and Water Recycling $380,250,000 $378,116,981 $2,133,019
Ch. 13 Statewide bond costs $102,500,000 $102,500,000 $0
(1) "Committed" means the amount appropriated, the amount proposed for appropriations, and/or amount committed in out years.
(2) "Balance" equals Chapter Balance minus Chapter Set Asides as found on the Summary for Chapters in the Allocation Balance Report.

Proposition 68 Programs

Click here to see a table of all programs for this proposition.


Prop 68 Bond Language

Maintained on the California Legislative Information site.


Allocation Balance Report

View Proposition 68 allocation balance report.


Proposition 68 Guidelines

Click here to see a table of the guidelines.


Download Project Info.

Excel spreadsheets containing Project information.
