Ch. 2 Investments in Environmental and Social Equity, Enhancing California`s Disadvantaged Communities
Ch. 3 Investments in Protecting, Enhancing, and Accessing California`s Local and Regional Outdoor Spaces
Ch. 4 Restoring California`s Natural, Historic, and Cultural Legacy
Ch. 5 Trails and Greenway Investment
Ch. 6 Rural Recreation, Tourism, and Economic Enrichment Investment
Ch. 7 California River Recreation, Creek, and Waterway Improvements Program
Ch. 8 State Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Board, and Authority Funding
Ch. 9 Ocean, Bay, and Coastal Protection
Ch. 10 Climate Preparedness, Habitat Resiliency, Resource Enhancement, and Innovation
Ch. 11 Clean Drinking Water and Drought Preparedness
Ch. 11.1 Groundwater Sustainability
Ch. 11.5 Flood Protection and Repair
Ch. 11.6 Regional Sustainability for Drought and Groundwater, and Water Recycling
Ch. 13 Statewide bond costs