Program: Central Valley Flood Management Planning Program

Bond Act: Proposition 84

Agency of Appropriation: Department of Water Resources

Bond Statute: 75032

  • Front-end
  • In-progress
  • Follow-up (Audit)

The purpose of the Central Valley Flood Management Planning (CVFMP) Program is to develop a sustainable, integrated flood management plan for areas protected by facilities of the State-Federal flood protection system in the Central Valley.  The key components of this Program are the creation of three planning documents.  These documents, the reference statutes and the expected dates of completion are as follows:

1.     The State Plan of Flood Control Descriptive Document as defined in Public Resources Code Section 5096.805(j),  - November 2010

2.     A Flood Control System Status Report for the State Plan of Flood Control required by Water Code Section 9120 – Summer 2011

3.     A Central Valley Flood Protection Plan as defined by the Central Valley Flood Protection Act of 2008 (Water Code Section 9600) – January 2012.

The State Plan of Flood Control Descriptive Document will document and describe existing flood control works, lands, programs, plans, conditions, and mode of maintenance and operations for which the Central Valley Flood Protection Board or Department of Water Resources (DWR) has provided assurances of nonfederal cooperation with the United States. 

The Flood Control System Status Report for the State Plan of Flood Control will be based on project levee inspections and the review of available information to ascertain whether there are evident deficiencies.  The report will include identification and descriptions of each facility, estimate levee failure risk, discuss inspections and review materials used, and make appropriate recommendations regarding the levees and future work activities. 

The Central Valley Flood Protection Plan will be a descriptive document that reflects a system-wide approach to protecting the lands currently protected from flooding by existing facilities of the State Plan of Flood Control.  The Central Valley Flood Protection Plan will provide the foundation for future strategic investments in flood infrastructure in the Central Valley and help guide the expenditure of Propositions 84 and 1E funds for Central Valley flood management improvements to reduce flood damages. 

Once each report is finalized and approved, it will be posted on the DWR website for public review.  Bond expenditures will be reported to the public via the bond accountability website.  Proposition 1E and capital outlay expenditures will also be reported quarterly to the legislature as required by Proposition 1E and the Supplement Report of the Budget Act of 2007.

General information about the State’s FloodSAFE Initiative and the Central Valley Flood Management Planning Program can be found on the DWR website.

The financial status (expenditures and commitments) will be tracked at the project/grant level in the Department of Water Resources (DWR) financial system, called SAP.  DWR will utilize “funded program numbers” and structured “internal order cost objects” to track detailed information down to the individual projects or grants.  The use of these elements within SAP will enable DWR to also track multiple funding associated with a single project or grant.  However, expenditures of funds not controlled by DWR will be tracked by the managing agency.

The Central Valley Flood Management Planning Program Manager will regularly check status of budget expenditures by program components, to ensure that annual budget allocations will not be exceeded. The Program Manager will also oversee all consultant contracts and review monthly invoices to verify that tasks are acceptable, and the work is completed to the satisfaction of DWR. All task orders will have a ten percent retention which will only be released upon successful completion of each task. Program status, issues and significant accomplishments will be regularly reported to DWR management.  Significant activity will be posted to the bond accountability website no less than semi-annually.

In addition, periodic updates will be made to the public via the Web site to ensure the program 3-part accountability program statements and project information remains current. 

The completion of all three reports will be milestone objectives for the Central Valley Flood Management Planning Program.  To ensure funds are being used  to meet the milestones and are managed properly and in the best interest of the State, annual reports will be prepared for DWR management that summarize bond fund expenditures and progress achieved towards meeting the objectives outlined in the Front-end Accountability statement.  In addition, fund expenditure audits will be completed as follows:

  • Any flood control projects governed under Section 12832 of the California Water Code have a final audit of expenditure claims by the State Controller’s Office.
  • The California Natural Resources Agency will also obtain an independent audit of bond funds by the Department of Finance; Office of State Audits and Evaluations (OSAE) as part of its bond oversight responsibilities.
In following years the Flood Control System Status Report for the State Plan of Flood Control will be updated periodically, as determined by the Central Valley Flood Protection Board.  The Central Valley Flood Protection Plan will be updated in subsequent years ending in 2 and 7 into the future.

Projects within this Program: