Program: Levee Repairs Program

Bond Act: Proposition 1E

Agency of Appropriation: Department of Water Resources

Bond Statute: 5096.821

  • Front-end
  • In-progress
  • Follow-up (Audit)

The Levee Repairs Program is addressing deficiencies identified and prioritized in the Levee Evaluation Program. The Program was implemented in response to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s declaration of a state of emergency for California’s levee system on February 24, 2006. After that declaration, the Governor signed Executive Order S-01-06 directing the Department of Water Resources (DWR) to identify and repair critical eroded levee sites on the California levee system to prevent catastrophic flooding and loss of life. As directed by the Executive Order, the most critical problems are being corrected under this program. Funding for this program was provided by previous legislation, and these bond funds will support continuation of the repairs. To determine the most critical sites for repair, DWR evaluated more than 50 sites along the Sacramento River Flood Project; including 29 critical erosion sites as being in need of urgent repairs. The investigation and design phase of the program began in March 2006 with site inspections, field surveys, and the collection of relevant design information. The investigations included the conduct of specific surveys to determine the extent of the erosion damage under the surface water. Based on data from these investigations, the most critical levee repairs and erosion sites were identified, and DWR along with the Corps of Engineers went to work repairing the sites, and the work continues today. For more information about the work being done visit the levee repairs website located at where you will be able to find exact repair locations, up-to-date construction progress, fact sheets by site, and photos of erosion sites.

Projects funded under the Levee Repairs Program are required to spend the funds according to the approved project scope and budget. The Levee Repairs Program Manager will submit quarterly progress reports for all projects under this program to the Legislature. The Department of Water Resources’ staff will conduct regular inspections to track work progress. Contractors and participating agencies must submit supporting documentation for each expense, with reimbursements approved only for eligible expenses pursuant to program guidelines; such reimbursements are limited to the approved project budget. The Department of Water Resources may withhold up to ten percent of each payment request to be released upon project completion.

All projects funded under the Levee Repairs Program receive a close-out visit conducted by DWR at the time the project is complete to assure that the repairs project is completed consistent with the federal and State guidelines. The DWR and the Cost Sharing Agency must comply with all current laws and regulations which apply to the project and submit documents summarizing total project costs and all additional funding sources.

A close-out visit is also required in cases where the repair work will need to meet the eligibility requirements for any subsidization under FEMA or other federal programs. The purpose of the close-out field visit is to ensure all project components were completed according to program guidelines and the terms included in the repair project scope and budget.

Projects within this Program: