Program: Upper Los Angeles River Watershed Protection Program

Bond Act: Proposition 84

Agency of Appropriation: Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy

Bond Statute: 75050(g)(2)

Implementing Statute: Water Code Section 79508 Division 23 (commencing with Section 33000) of the Public Resources Code

  • Front-end
  • In-progress
  • Follow-up (Audit)

The Conservancy`s strategic plans are (1) to buy back, preserve, protect, restore and enhance treasured pieces of Southern California to form an interlinking system of urban, rural, and river parks; open space; trails; and wild-life habitats that are easily accessible to the general public; and (2) to forge partnerships and cooperation with other agencies - federal, state, counties, cities, resource conservation districts, water districts, park and open space district.

Implementation of all agency goals is conducted in accordance with the objectives of the Santa Monica Mountains Comprehensive Plan, the Rim of the Valley Trails Corridor Master Plan, the Los Angeles County River Master Plan, and the San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan ('Common Ground').

Proposition 50, cited as the
Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coast and Beach Protection Act of 2002, states in Section 79508, `Watershed protection activities in the San Gabriel and Los Angeles River watersheds shall be consistent with the San Gabriel and Los Angeles River Watershed and Open Space Plan as adopted by the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this plan shall be implemented pursuant to Division 23 (commencing with Section 33000) of the Public Resources Code...`

Proposition 84 furthermore authorizes watershed protection activities that include the protection and restoration of rivers, lakes and streams, water and other natural resources; it shall also be used for the protection of beaches, bays and coastal waters and watershed, including project to prevent contamination and degradation of coastal waters and watershed, including projects to protect and restore the natural habitat values of coastal waters and lands, and projects and expenditures to promote access to and enjoyment of the coastal resources of the state.

Such activities under Proposition 84 shall be implemented throughout the watershed of the Upper Los Angeles River pursuant to Section 79508 of the Water Code and the Santa Monica Bay and its watershed pursuant to Division 23 (commencing with Section 33000).

The Conservancy Board conducts public hearings for every project. The coordination with interdepartmental interests, other governmental entities, and local constituents are established during the planning phases of each project. Implementation of the projects by the SMMC is part of the Conservancy’s public hearing process. Additionally, special plans such as the San Gabriel and Los Angeles Rivers Watershed and Open Space Plan and the Conservancy Work Programs were adopted with extensive government participation and public involvement.

At the time of approval, all grants/projects have the following:

1. Detailed scope of work

2. Term of agreement

3. Budget

4. Identification of statute and regulations governing the grant award

5. Project monitoring requirements (contained in general provisions of the agreement)

6. Identification of how the project achieves Strategic Objective(s) and/or applicable Plans

Most grants/projects are submitted to the Attorney General’s office with a request for review as to whether the proposed grant is in compliance with the General Obligation Bond Law and specific provisions of the bond funds from which appropriations have been made. Grantees are required to submit quarterly status reports throughout the term of the agreement. The Staff Counsel and Contracts and Finance Officer review, audit, and approve payment requests from the grantee on a regular basis. All payment requests must include certification that expenses comply with the grant guidelines and provisions of the agreement. Grantees must also submit supporting documentation for each expense, with reimbursements approved only for eligible expenses pursuant to program guidelines and contained within the approved project budget. SMMC has also revised the Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of General Services (CFS) and SMMC to include additional payment and approval procedures for bond funded projects. Project managers routinely conduct site visits throughout the term of the agreement. Upon completion of the project, grantees are required to submit a project completion report. The project completion report includes a detailed description of work completed and financial information on the funds expended.

Grants/projects are submitted to the Attorney General’s office with a request for review as to whether the proposed grant is in compliance with the General Obligation Bond Law and specific provisions of the bond funds from which appropriations have been made. Any changes in the scope of work after approval must be approved by the Conservancy Board and receive approval from the Attorney General’s office. Grantees are required to submit quarterly status reports throughout the term of the agreement. The Staff Counsel and Contracts and Finance Officer review, audit, and approve payment requests from the grantee on a regular basis.

Upon completion of the project, the grantee must report the following:

1. Project completion date

2. Total amount expended

3. Grant funds not expended

4. Detailed list of all funding sources and amounts

5. Summary of work completed

6. Grantee must also certify that all required documents were submitted and all work and costs claimed were eligible and in accordance with the grant agreement.

If grant funds were not fully expended, grantee is required to return the funds with the following detailed information:


Warrant or Check Number:

Date Returned:

Amount of Principal:

Amount of Interest:

Total Amount of Return:

Projects within this Program: