The Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 (Proposition 84) authorizes $5.388 billion in general obligation bonds to fund safe drinking water, water quality and supply, flood control, waterway and natural resource protection, water pollution and contamination control, state and local park improvements, public access to natural resources, and water conservation efforts.





Chapter Original Allocation Adjusted Allocation1 Committed2 Balance3
  $5,388,000,000 $5,388,000,000 $5,371,614,149 $16,385,851
Ch. 2 Safe Drinking Water and Water Quality Projects $1,525,000,000 $1,495,281,180 $1,465,515,282 $29,765,898
Ch. 3 Flood Control $800,000,000 $784,409,800 $773,577,055 $10,832,745
Ch. 4 Statewide Water Planning and Design $65,000,000 $63,733,296 $61,939,117 $1,794,179
Ch. 5 Protection of Rivers, Lakes and Streams $928,000,000 $909,915,367 $875,717,541 $34,197,826
Ch. 6 Forest and Wildlife Conservation $450,000,000 $441,230,512 $450,873,891 ($9,643,379)
Ch. 7 Protection of Beaches, Bays and Coastal Waters $540,000,000 $529,476,615 $519,589,589 $9,887,026
Ch. 8 Parks and Nature Education Facilities $500,000,000 $477,941,125 $466,623,625 $11,317,500
Ch. 9 Sustainable Communities and Climate Change Reduction $580,000,000 $564,369,105 $552,555,049 $11,814,056
Chs. 10/11 Statewide Bond Cost $0 $0 $83,580,000 ($83,580,000)
Reallocated to Proposition 1 $0 $105,000,000 $105,000,000 $0
Proposition 68 Reduction for Prop 84 $0 $16,643,000 $16,643,000 $0
(1) "Adjusted Allocation" reflects the "Original Allocation" less an adjustment mandated by Prop 1 distributed across all program chapters.
(2) "Committed" means the amount appropriated, the amount proposed for appropriations, or amount committed in out years.
(3) "Balance" equals Chapter Balance plus Chapter Set Asides as found on the Summary for Chapters in the Allocation Balance Report.

Proposition 84 Programs

Click here to see a table of all programs for this proposition.


Allocation Balance Report

View Proposition 84 allocation balance report.


DOF Bond Accountability

Summary of Strategic Growth Plan Propositions.


Infrastructure Plans

DOF hosted Infrastructure Plans and Reports


Citizens Advisory Committee

Locally hosted copy of the Advisory Committee Audit.


Bond Accountability

Three-part Bond Accountability Definitions.


Download Project Info.

Excel spreadsheets containing Project information.
