Program: Levee Evaluations Program

Bond Act: Proposition 1E

Agency of Appropriation: Department of Water Resources

Bond Statute: 5096.821, 5096.825

  • Front-end
  • In-progress
  • Follow-up (Audit)

In support of the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP) and other flood management related programs, the Levee Evaluations Program (LEP) evaluates State/Federal project levees, including appurtenant non-project levees, to determine if they meet defined geotechnical criteria and, if appropriate, identify remedial measure(s) to meet those criteria.


In addition to supporting the CVFPP, the LEP supports federal and local flood management projects, local FEMA certification efforts and the legislative mandate of urban, 200-year flood protection by 2025 for urban areas.  LEP improves geotechnical information exchange methods between state, local and federal flood management agencies and identifies critical levee repairs.


The LEP focuses on the project levees in the geographic areas of the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Flood Control Systems.


The Program was implemented in response to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s declaration of a state of emergency for California’s levee system on February 24, 2006. After that declaration, the Governor signed Executive Order S-01-06 directing the Department of Water Resources (DWR) to identify and repair critically eroded levees and to identify non-visible deficiencies. Funding for this program was provided by previous legislation and bond funds support continuation of the evaluations.

For more information visit You will be able to find evaluation locations, technologies employed for evaluations, fact sheets and additional information on the work being performed.

Task orders/contracts funded under this program must be supported with documentation for each expense, with reimbursements approved only for eligible expenses pursuant to program guidelines and contained within the approved project budget. Moreover, the Legislature requires quarterly progress reports for the urban levee evaluation component of this program.
The Legislature requires quarterly progress reports for the levee evaluation component of this program. Task orders/contracts funded under this program must be supported with documentation for each expense, with reimbursements approved only for eligible expenses pursuant to program guidelines and contained within the approved project budget. Consultants must comply with all current laws and regulations which apply to the project and submit documents summarizing total project costs. 

Projects within this Program: