Program: Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation Program

Bond Act: Proposition 1E

Agency of Appropriation: Department of Water Resources

Bond Statute: 5096.825

  • Front-end
  • In-progress
  • Follow-up (Audit)

The Department of Water Resource (DWR) Floodplain Evaluation and Delineation Program supports the FloodSAFE California Initiative by reducing the consequences of flooding through flood risk identification, and includes work to estimate the frequency, depth, and limits of potential flooding throughout California. This technical information assists with the development of floodplain analyses and assessment tools that can be utilized to support FloodSAFE programs and projects.

The Department will report its bond expenditures to the public via the website that is maintained by the Natural Resources Agency.  Because the Department’s projects help improve flood protection and because project expenditures are authorized by legislation through the Budget Act, all project expenditures comply with legal requirements.

During project implementation, meetings will be conducted with cooperating agencies to ensure projects move forward according to the established scope of work, schedule, and budget, and are consistent with processes that have been established in the Project Management Plan. The goal will be to ensure that the final project deliverables are consistent with the deliverables defined in the Project Management Plan. A project tracking system has been developed to track the work in progress, project expenditures, progress made, and project status. Department managers will use the tracking system to ensure the projects move forward as consistent with front-end criteria and processes, and that project implementation will achieve the intended outcomes.

Achievement of Project objectives can be measured by the number of General Plans that have been updated to include flood risk, the number of community floodplain management ordinances that have been updated to reflect the State’s adoption of the International Building Codes, improvements to Community Rating System class standing, level of flood risk integration into community multi-hazard plans, and value of flood hazard mitigation grants that have been submitted for funding.

Following completion of the Project, the Project Manager will oversee a close-out audit which includes: a project completion report that documents the Project deliverables, final expenditures, and how the project implementation met the project objectives and performance measures. The Natural Resources Agency will obtain an independent audit of the bonds through the annual Department of Finance, Office of State Audits and Evaluations (OSAE) audit of bond expenditures.

Projects within this Program: